Tuesday, 31 July 2012

restaurant madinat hadramawt


dear diary, 

going back 2 de tipical me... which is sangat malas nak menaip2 ni... sorry diary.... heee... tolong rajen cket ye farah!!!! dah la i have bad short term memory skrg... erm, bile fikir2 balik, ecceli,  i used to b gud in short term memory but moderate in long term memory tats y i love last minute study... but now, sebaliknye pule... aigooo...

story bout restaurant hadramawt ni acceli cerite yg da berkepuk2 lamenye... b4 ramadhan... we had a farewell for sister yati from A&E unit.... resteren ni kat jalan bukit pasir, batu pahat... simpang nak g area carefour, tutti frutti, mcd, sume tu la... 1st time dengar name resteren ni, trs terbayang kebab ayam.... yummy2... this is my 2nd time makan kat resteren mknn arab... 1st time se kat icity dulu... k, enuf wordy2 ni, time 2 tepek2 gambar... presenting... restaurant madinat hadramawt....

xde rupe arab pong restaurantnye... yg arabic 4 me, lagu2 die, sume lagu arab... tulisan jawi then mknn arab

restaurant ni provide byk g service len seperti dlm gmbr ni...  

pilihan makanan.. affordable rite??

pilihan minuman.. arabic drinks haruslah ade kan

arabic bread

kabsah chicken ni 1 set ngn arabic bread, rm11

ni main dish kami, roasted chicken set rm30..

tp, portion arabic meal ni mmg sgt besar la... roasted chicken set tu, kami makan 4 org pun x abes woooooo, 1/2 je abes, tapi, ayamnye, abes la... heeee.... bayangkanlah, 1 dulang yg agak besar.... 

kabsah chicken set with arabic bread tu mmg sedap, n arabic bread tu, sangat besar, sebesar dulang air yg kecil tu, then die  hiriskan macam hirisan pizza tu...

then, kami makan roasted lamb, teh arab, seyes, kenyang... 

personal opinion, i am not sum1 yg suke makan nasi beriyani la, nasi minyak la, mmg x minat sbnrnye, sll doa2 if g keje kawen, harap2 dorg serve other meal gak... tp, kat johor je la impian tu terlaksana... kat negeri laen, g setakat ni, sume main dish hanyalah nasi minyak... if area muar ni, hampir sume akan hidangkan 2 main dish, nasi minyak n nasi putih... lauk pun 2 set... so, it's gud for sum1 yg x berape nak minat nasi minyak ni... kat negeri sembilan pun nasi minyak je, tapi pilihan lauknye, ade lauk kampung n lauk nasi minyak la... if kat batu pahat pon mesti ade 2 main dish, tp pelik cket la coz ade yg serve set nasi ayam n soto without set nasi minyak... pelik pon, sum1 like me, suke banget!!! he3... 

so, walaupun x minat nasi minyak, tp, nasi style arab mcm ni, mmg sedap!!!!! just style arab mmg makan nasi+protein(chicken/lamb/beef)+salad+pudina sauce, so, untuk tekak jawa like me, ienye kurang pedas n xde kuah... heeeee.... but still, mmg sedap!!!! plg best ialah kebab dorg!!!! thumbs up la!!!!!! sooooooooooooo tempting maaa....

bulan ramadhan ni pun dorg wat promosi ramadhan, mmg terbaek kan... so affordable n tempat makan selesa, ade air cond...  just restaurant arab, so, lagu2 sume arab, lagu pelik2 pule tu... ish3... then, this place only suitable for yg btl2 nak makan2 n mnm2... for dessert person like me, resteren ni blm ckp tip top coz xde dessert yg mengecurkan air liur... tp, dun wory, resteren ni dkt ngn tutti frutti, nak dessert, g tutti frutti pule ye... heee.....

next time mmg leh makan cni, bawak kaum kerabat pule... can be 1 of de choice if lalu batu pahat la n mmg tgh cari mknn... <<<<<< kan best if ade kat muar.... bosan da ngn tmpt mkn kat muar... asyik tempat same je... mane g tmpt makan best kat muar ea???? erm

tats all for now diary...


Tuesday, 17 July 2012

weaning diet

eh, nape letak gmbr baby nanges pule ni?? 

:: assalammualaikum ::

dear diary,

last week, mya jd invited speaker ntuk workshop sponsored by Nestle... 
mya da lame da x bagi talk... last bagi talk, last year kat katerina hotel... 
kali ni workshop ntuk sister, nurses, n JM... bile kite da lame x wat sesuatu perkare, tetibe kene wat, rase gak rame2 dlm perut tu.... b4 nak bg talk tu, asyik ke 'ladies' je la... 

 phase on weaning diet sgt penting ntuk perkembangan baby n acceli, waktu ni la kite nak tau baby kite tu ade allery ke, or nak latih die supaya x jadi picky eater... if dah besar baru nak galakkan makan sayur, mmg susah la... 

when to start weaning diet??
(normally 6 months old)
signs of readiness:

Able to sit upright with support
Eyes food greedily and grab what others eat
Frets and gnaws even after a full milk feed (n sumtimes sampai nanges mcm gmbr di atas... k, baru dpt relate ngn gmbr.... hik3...)
Stops thrusting tongue out when mouth is touched
Strong gums

Type,  texture n frequency, of food to give?

Amount at each meala
6–8 months
Start with thick porridge, well mashed foods
Continue with mashed family foods
2–3 meals per day, plus frequent breastfeeds
Depending on the child's appetite, 1–2 snacks may be offered
Start with 2–3 tablespoonfuls per feed, increasing gradually to ½ of a 250 ml cup
9–11 months
Finely chopped or mashed foods, and foods that baby can pick up (finger food)
3–4 meals per day, plus breastfeeds
Depending on the child's appetite, 1–2 snacks may be offered
½ of a 250 ml cup/bowl
12–23 months
Family foods, chopped or mashed if necessary
3–4 meals per day, plus breastfeeds
Depending on the child's appetite, 1–2 snacks may be offered
¾ to full 250 ml cup/bowl

a Note: If baby is not breastfed, give in addition: 1–2 cups of milk per day, and 1–2             extra meals per day.

 what food to give?

step 1: rice, pumpkin, green leafy vegetables, carrot, prune, apple, pear
step 2: broccoli, spinach, barley, potato, fish, chicken, anchovies, tofu, egg yolk, nuts, peas
step 3: seafood other than fish, shellfish, white egg, peanuts, tree-nuts, sesame seed

* step 1: less likely to cause allergic
   step 2: sometimes cause allergic
   step 3: very allergenic

* start with single puree, then baru go to mixed porridge, then finger food.

single puree as starter.. vegetables first before fruits...

important tips:
·         Take good care in term of hygiene.
·         Introduce one new food item at a time to detect any food allergy (contohnye mcm step2 yg mya da tulis kat atas)
·         For carbohydrate, start with rice till baby can accept well then introduce others food like potato and corn
·         For vitamins, introduce vegetables first before fruits to reduce risk of picky eater
·         Feed cereal with a spoon not in bottle
·         Make sure baby sitting upright and well supported during mealtime
·         Avoid food that may cause choking or contains bones
·         Do not force feed
·         Do not introduce sugar or cooking oil except for FTT baby
·         Train baby to hold finger food or hold spoon after they are ready

 tips eating out:
1) baby puree/porridge leh di pack dalam botol kedap udara/tuppaware yg selamat... if g bercuti pun leh packkan mcm ni. if nak sng, bawa baby food like Heinz tu or Nestle nye product ke... anything la, yg pntg bkn food2 luar yg byk colouring/preservatives tu...

2) if nak g taman ke, n anak da besar cket, da leh mkn finger food sume tu, da leh bawak mcm kat bawah ni... comel x???? heee.... mya tgk pun tertarik.... make sure sumenye lembut, sayur da pun di steam lembut gak k... buah yg keras tu wat juice je n xyah letak gule k...

Loving a baby is a circular business., a kind of feedback loop. The more you give, the more you get back. the bad you give, the bad you get back. the best you give, the best the baby will be...

so, berilah yg terbaek ntuk baby anda so that die leh jadi yg terbaek juge... bykkn berdoa moge anak2 akan jd muslim/muslimah yg soleh/solehah... insyaAllah... amin... doa ibu adalah yg terbaek!!!!

 Doa untuk mendapatkan anak yang Soleh.
  • Surah Al-Furqan ayat 74
  • Surah Al-Hijr ayat 17 
  • Doa anak taat kepada Allah Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 128 
  • Surah Ali Imran ayat 36
  •  Doa memohon rahmat (Ali-Imran : 8-9)
  • Doa memohon zuriat yang baik (Ali-Imran : 38)
  • Doa anak kerjakan solat (Ibrahim : 40-41)
  • Doa anak pandai belajar (Al-Anbiya' : 79)
  • Doa anak lembut hati (Al-Anbiya' : 69 / Al-Hasyr : 22-24)
  • Doa anak rajin sekolah (Taha : 1-5)
ni doa nak lembutkan hati anak2...  hembuslah kat ubun2 time die tidur dgn niat mntk tlg Allah lembutkan hati anak...

greys anatomy season finale

i really wish that this is not a season finale...  this is the best show ever!!!!! love it3!!!



sumber google...

season 8, episode 24 recap

A plane has crashed in a remote area. Arizona's screams of agony echo through the woods. She's trapped under the aircraft's wreckage. Cristina manages to free herself to find Meredith in a near-catatonic state on the ground. Mark staggers through the debris. Everyone is in a state of shock. Lexie and Derek are missing. Bangs against metal are heard in the distance. It's Lexie. She's in trouble.

Mark frantically tries to find ways to save Lexie, who is trapped under a large section of the plane. Whatever they do for her, it won't be enough. Lexie knows this. Mark, however, refuses to give up. Derek is hurt bad deep in the woods. His arm is caught between a mangled mass of metal. He uses a rock to smash it free. He's still a long way from the others. The pilot, Jerry, is trapped in the cockpit of the wrecked plane. He can't move his legs. Speaking of legs, Arizona is forced to put a splint on her own left one while remaining trapped. 


Lexie knows she doesn't have much time left. She asks Mark to hold her hand. He finally acknowledges what's happening. He lets Lexie know that she's his true love—always has been, always will be. They make plans for a future they'll never be able to share. Mark says they were meant to be. Lexie confirms this just before lexie passes away. It's a heartbreaking scene.

Meredith is devastated by the loss of her sister. She fears that Derek is dead as well. She tearfully lets Cristina know that she's still her "person" even if she's not hers. Moments later, Derek staggers out of the woods. Meredith breaks the news about Lexie as she works to repair her husband's badly mangled arm. Cristina wants Mark to help build a fire, but mark passed out with heart issues. Meredith uses a tube to drain the blood that's pooling up inside him. No pun intended, but he's out of the woods for now.

Richard is jazzed to celebrate a traditional final dinner with the residents, who are dreading the event. Callie says they need to change their tune fast. She's in a particularly good mood as she anxiously awaits Arizona's return. Little does she know that the love of her life is stranded in the woods with her friends. A chopper flies overhead, but the flare gun doesn't work. The transmitter is also likely damaged. No one knows where they are. They could be stranded there for days.

Teddy is planning to turn down a top job at MEDCOM. That's the U.S. Army Medical Command. Owen wants to know why she would give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He's shocked to learn that it's because of him. Teddy has never seen him so broken. She's not about to abandon him after all the kindness he's shown to her. Owen appreciates her loyalty, but fires her anyway. He does this because he knows it's the only way she can be great at MEDCOM.

Bailey lets Ben know that he doesn't get to make decisions on his own. They are in this together. That's why bailey proposes to him again. Ben assures her that everything will be wonderful. In other news, Richard wants to wait to give his toast until everyone arrives. Of course, there's been no contact with the missing docs even though their plane should have landed by now. Owen also receives several voicemail messages wondering about the whereabouts of his surgeons.

Mark regrets not having told Lexie he loved her sooner. He thinks he's going to die. Arizona lets him know he can't. His girls need him. Callie and Sofia need him. She needs him. He promises to hang on. Night approaches. Meredith lights the last remaining match. The wind promptly blows it out. Cristina orders everyone to remain conscious until help arrives even though no one knows when or if that will happen. 





 what happen to April after she's lost her virginity to jackson n failed her oral exams???

what happen to alex after he got offer from john hopkins but edi make a commitment wif arizona. is he really stays at seattle grace???

is cristina really will left owen???

is teddy really left to medcom???

is derek n grey really left to boston???

wo will stay in seattle????



full stop...

cant take it anymore....