Tuesday 4 September 2012

bone density screening at PP UTHM


dear diary

mase tu, mya n medical camp team mya pegi wat bone screening kat pusat perubatan UTHM... as usual, mya act as a consultant.... we arrived there @ 8.30 in the morning... seriously, smbtn kat UTHM nie sgt2 memberangsangkan... maybe coz jarang dpt portable bone density machine ni kan... kat tiga3 hsptl tmpt mya ni pun mmg xde DEXA machine, even GH pun xde... maybe coz not worth it, esp if nak beli ntuk hsptl swasta mcm hsptl mya nie, mmg xla kan... t lmbt bebenor nak blk modal nye... he3...

ni bone sonometer yg kami gune, pinjaman ikhlas dari MESC... act, in my opinion, reading nie just as a marker je, nak tau area mane bone density kite, normal ke, medium risk ke or high risk 4 osteoporosis, tu pun x semestinya tepat, if btl2 nak tau mmg kene cek DEXA... this is just ntuk berjage2 la... yela, portable machine kan, mane nak se efficient DEXA tu... heee....

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portable, easy-to-use Hologic Sahara Clinical Bone Sonometer

Ultrasound bone sonometry ni kire safe, radiation-free modality that provides quantitative assessment of skeletal status. so, ie useful in identifying patients at risk of developing osteoporosis and for assessing their risk of future fracture. < 1 MINUTES, da leh estimate a patient's bone mineral density, based on an ultrasound measurement of the calcaneus (heel bone), the preferred peripheral site proven in numerous studies to predict fracture risk. but kat UTHM ni, kami hanye screen doctors, nurses n lecturer kat ctu je... nak screening sume x mampu deh, ramai sgt... heee... tu pun jenuh mya bercakap x henti2 tau dari pagi sampai petang, kering tekak... 


ni pule DEXA scan yg ssh nak dpt kat johor nie... kat JB je ade tau...



 machine ni takes 15 minutes je tau to perform, uses very little radiation (less than one-tenth to one-hundredth the amount used on a standard chest X-ray), and is quite precise.

as a consultant on that day, basically ni lah yg mya duk membebel sepanjang hari... heeee.....


Osteoporosis is a disease characterized by low bone mass and loss of bone tissue that may lead to weak and fragile bones. If you have osteoporosis, you have an increased risk for fractured bones (broken bones).


Mild thinning of the bone mass. Osteopenia represents a low bone mass and is not as severe as osteoporosis. Osteopenia results when formation of new bone (osteoid synthesis) is not sufficient to offset normal bone loss (osteoid lysis).


What are the risk factors for osteoporosis?

· Being female
· Advanced age
· Being Caucasian or Asian
· Low bone mass
· Being thin or having a small frame
· A sedentary lifestyle
· A family history of osteoporosis
· Estrogen deficiency as a result of menopause, especially early or surgically induced
· Anorexia nervosa
· Use of certain medications
· Cigarette smoking
· Excessive alcohol intake

ways to improve bone health

  • Exercise regularly, three to four days a week (walking, jogging, playing tennis, dancing). 
  • Avoid smoking and drinking large amounts of alcohol. 
  •  Limit caffeine and carbonated beverages in your diet. 
  •  Get enough vitamin D via early morning sunlight or by eating eggs, fatty fish, and/or drinking fortified milk. 
  • Getting enough calcium on a daily basis by eating a variety of food: Hard Cheese, Slice cheese, Sardines, Tofu, Powder Milk, Fresh milk, Anchovies, Almonds, Yogurt, Spinach, Breads, Kale, Pak-choi, Broccoli  n etc. (Both calcium content and bioavailability should be considered when selecting dietary sources of calcium tau!)

if nak ambil vit D n calcium in supplement form pun ok just normally we only prescribed for fracture pt, osteoporosis pt, or high risk pt. bkn just prescribed pd sume... skrg ni, kami prescribed cal D for calcium+vit D supplementation... Others include alendronate (Fosamax), risedronate (Actonel), raloxifene (Evista), ibandronate (Boniva), calcitonin (Calcimar), and zoledronate (Reclast)...

 tp, supplement ni leh beli sendiri kat farmasi tu yg prob tu... bkn ape, kdg2 they all nie maen makan je ntah pape supplement, n tend to overdose... calcium ni bahaye if overdose, leh calcification at kidney jd renal stone, headache, nausea, vomit, frequent urination,muscle weakness, cholelithiasis...

then, kebanyakan yg mya jumpe selalu confuse antara sakit sendi ngn sakit tulang... mmg kene kene explain byk kali yg ini ialah bone density machine, bkn check synovial fluid/membrane/cartilage sume tu...normally dorg samekan osteoporosis ngn arthritis/gout... totally diff tau...
kat hsptl mya mengamalkan injection of synovial fluid to avoid knee surgery...  supplement pun byk... len kali la nak story mory ye diary, panjang sgt da membebel 4 2day...

k diary...

till meet again...

till then...


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