Monday 29 October 2012

anticoagulant drug vs warfarin diet

pReciOuS LifE mEMoriES


dear diary....

firstly, nak tnjk gmbr normal brain MRI... motif????? ade cerite sedey yg berkaitan ngn OTAK aka BRAIN nie.... wuwuwuwuwu....

2day, i met 1 guy currently in final year UTEM in hospital.... the sad thing is that adik is post op pt due to thrombosis... not sure what the actual dianosis coz the he is not my patient.... it might be sinus thrombosis... might be others.... i just have a quick chit chat with the mother... it just happen that i'm at the lobby at that time n i am the first person they saw so that they ask me on our procedure for CT scan...

siyesly babe.... that guy really good looking... heeeee.... but3..... but.... every surgery had risks rite esp brain surgery.... brain surgery nie extremely difficult and sensitive type of surgery tau that requires tremendous skill and years of training..... that guy seems blur2 n cant concentrate when we were talking.... sgt simpati tgk die... i think that guy anak tunggal or mgkn anak bongsu kot...... his mother seems sgt manjekan die wooooo.... 

mother said that he presenting with severe headache so that she bring him 2 see doctor.... after the physical examination, doctor of coz la suggest for CT n MRI kan so that they can diagnosed what the problem is and what needs to be done.... after tat, he is scheduled for surgery then currently on  anticoagulant drugs... 

i ask the mother whether there is history of hemorrhage before the severe headache but die pun x tau... die kate, anak die x penah pule cakap pape... tetibe, ngadu pening3 yg amat selalu... past is past kan, yg penting skrg... n sekarang.... erm.... siyesly, almost all post op brain surgery patients x kesahlah suffering from a brain tumour ke or stroke ke or len2 la kan, mesti brain function dorg da x 100% like before.... erm.... sedey rite....

if kat hsptl mya ni, bab2 brain nie akan btl2 teliti when evaluating each patient..... looking at their conditions from every direction..... to find the path that is least disruptive to the patient's brain, critical nerves, and ability to return to normal functioning..... neurosurgical team kami may recommend a combination of surgical and non-surgical approaches to maximize the benefits of surgery while minimizing risks..... 

then, if patient undergo anticoagulant therapy like this guy, they will be teach with special diet.... anticoagulant nie commonly prescribed for people who have had a condition caused by thrombosis or are at risk of developing one.... n normally for heart disease pt.... name senang ie, ubat pencair darah.... sume org mesti penah dengar ubat pencair darah kan.... so, name pun ubat pencair darah kan, means mase makan obat nie, kenelah limit makanan yg membekukan darah.... x gitu.... heeeeee.....

vitamin yg pntg dlm pembekuan darah nie namenye vitamin K.... normally, patient with warfarin need to take the m(x) as prescribed and accompanied with adjusted vitamin k intake..... never 4get 2 take the m(x) n never change the prescribed vitamin k diet.... if not.... either the drugs will not fully work or bleeding can occur....

tips diet nie, sng je, take foods high in vit k as usual.... means if b4 this, pt did not take high vit k food regularly, normally we'll suggest to stop eating food that high in vit k, they can't sumtimes eat high vit k food n sumtimes not.... the intake must be consistent.... if patient mmg suke makan high vit k food, xde mslh, makan je but make sure mesti consistent.... 

* hadkan pengambilan 1 hidangan/hari (2 kali seminggu)
* 1 hidangan = 1/2 cawan dimasak
· Sayuran daun hijau
· Bayam
· Kalian
· Sawi
· Kangkung
· Pegaga
· Salad
· Daun sup/bawang/pasli
· Pucuk manis/meranti
· Ulam berdaun hijau
· Bunga kobis
· Brusssel sprouts
· Brokoli
· Kobis bulat/panjang 
· Kacang soya 
· Tauhu 
· Minyak kanola 
· Minyak kacang soya 
· mayonis

saje letak gambar... mcm lg best je.... heeeee.... sumber google la, mane lg.....

 erm... skrg nie bdg perubatan makin maju.... banyak pembedahan yg melibatkan robotic n laser.... better than b4.... but seiring la ngn zaman skrg yg manusia nie makin byk penyakit kan.... really pray that we all live healthy n happy.... insyaAllah.... 

ayat nie ma suh amalkan untuk elak anasir2 jahat n leh gak ntuk elak mudarat penyakit....  
Al-Quran dan doa mampu menyembuh segala keletihan dan kesakitan yang kita hadapi. Allah yang
memberikan penyakit dan Allah jua yang menyembuhkan penyakit.always believe in 

till meet again diary...

till then....



Misty said...

I heard vitamin K should not be taken if you are on warfarin, is this not right? I'd agree that most green vegetables are vitamin-K rich. :)

Nurfarahin said...

it's partly true dear.... like u said most green leafy vege are high in vit k rite n they r also high in fiber, iron n etc... so rugi amat lah if x makan lgsg... so then like i said in this entry, it goes back based on ur previous diet... coz, most study shown that if pt normal diet edi high in vit k, they can take 2 serving per week but make sure kene consistent... if pt mmg jarang mkn high vit k food, kite akn suggest jgn mkn lgsg... the key word is consistent.... =)